RESILIACT: Resilience-strengthening of local communities through a transnational EU Aid Volunteers capacity building action

RESILIACT is a 24-months project leaded by GVC, implemented with 3 EU partners (Alianza por la Solidaridad, Action Against Hunger Spain, WeWorld Italy) and 19 third country partners: 9 in Latin America and Caribbean (GVC Bolivia, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Peru; Alianza Haiti; Action Against Hunger Guatemala, Nicaragua, Peru; WeWorld Brazil), 3 in Africa (WeWorld Benin, Kenya; Tanzania), 7 in Asia (GVC Cambodia, Thailand; WeWorld Nepal, India, Cambodia; LSWC and LPN). The action aims to contribute to strengthen the resilience of the most vulnerable and disaster-affected communities and the Union's capacity to provide needs-based humanitarian aid on migration-related issues, climate change and disaster risk reduction and management, in order to save and preserve life in humanitarian crises. The impact is on different levels: 76 organizations reached through capacity building actions and tools; at least 30 local communities involved actively in the action; at least 940 local volunteers involved in Latin America; 300.000 citizens reached by the communication about EUAV initiative through events, publications and audio-visual products.